Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy July!

A couple of weekends ago, we had quite the adventure...

One of the hubby's co-worker's dad owns and operates this "adventure course" just outside of Podgorica. We were not really sure what we were getting in to (just kind of suited up and took off!), but it turned out to be a blast!

Rockin' the Beckham shirt....

We even got to zip across the Moraca River...whee!

There are also tennis courts at this place so we got some tennis lessons times!

And some other big news...I was offered a job! As you know, I was substitute teaching at the international school for the last several weeks of the school year. I met with the director the other week, and he offered me a part-time position for this next academic year. I will, in essence, be co-teaching in the 3 and 4 years-old classroom. The preschool teacher will have an academic period in the morning and then I get to do arts and crafts with the kidlins in the afternoon. I filled in one day in this classroom, and to be honest, it is exhausting...both physically and mentally. It is a lot of management and discipline but should be plenty of fun too!

This morning I contemplated going for a run...instead, I made brownies.

All things in moderation, people.


  1. Congrats Lisa! So excited to hear about your job and that things seem to be going well. My mom asked about you & Kaz the other day so now I'll have to give her the udpate.
    Oh and where did you get the Beckham shirt my dear? Tell Kaz I said hello & it was nice to see his smiling face on here as well.

  2. Way to rock that Beckham shirt, Beanie! I rocked mine at conservation camp whilst throwing a hatchet. And a spear. Ahhh, Voyager Night at camp. Good stuff.

  3. Thanks, Katie! I am glad too that things seem to be working out here. And I believe that Kaz bought that shirt online for me. Please greet your parents for us...they are so sweet.
    And Beanie, I am so glad that you are rockin' yours too. Aaahhh, conservation camp...good times, good times. :)
