Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Feeling more hopeful

I am hoping that I have found someone to adopt BG#2 through a local friend; I don't want to get my hopes up too high though because this has fallen through in the past.

Also giving me more hope is the fact that I was able to reach the woman who heads up the animal protection organization here in Podgorica. Turns out that she is the one who also oversees the shelter. During our conversation on the phone, her love of animals became abundantly clear which put me more at ease. I will be able to care for the puppies here and then take them to the shelter on Adoption Day which they have once a week. On that designated day, the public can visit the shelter to see if there is a dog they want to adopt. The shelter also makes sure that the people who are adopting have the right facilities/capacity to own a dog; they just don't hand out dogs without looking into the situation.

Also, we just recently found out that we are going to be going back to Japan at the beginning of August...yay!! But then the problem that keeps me from 100% committing to keeping one puppy arises...what to do with the puppies when we are gone? There is a kennel here, but I hear that the conditions are quite bad. I asked the lady from the shelter what I should do, and she offered that I could bring them to the shelter for that week. She would put them in their own box in isolation from the other dogs (since they don't have the money to vaccinate them), and she would let them out to feed them and play with them. Sigh of relief...........

So, I am hopeful that this situation will turn out well...whatever the course may be!

And on a side note, the hubby was craving brats the other day which they, of course, don't have here. Hotdogs were the next option (eeww, I know but you do what you have to do!). They actually tasted quite good...guess that is what you resort to when you live in a country with no McD's. ;)

Here is what I found in the grocery store....

God bless America.

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